Sarah & Graeme’s Wedding at Friern Manor

Sarah & Graeme’s wedding took place on 14th may at Friern Manor.  They chose the house side of the venue to host their wedding.

(This venue can hold 2 weddings a day either in the house of the coaching stables for the larger weddings, with a lake that divides the events.)

Their wedding was great fun to photograph, after getting to know both Sarah & Greame through their engagement shoot and meetings they were not a serious couple and i knew they would be fun.

In the final meeting they expressed their fun side by choosing to have space hoppers brought along for a bounce.  From this i knew they were up for anything and we tried to express their personalities in the photographs, the more silly the better.  Sarah’s smile and funny sense of humor was catching and we had a lot of laughs on the day.

Sarah chose bright yellow sunflowers which really expressed her personality of bold and happy.

In the evening we managed to get onto a field at the back of the venue for some sunset shots which we enhanced after.

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